Westbound Wiki


Ground Sloth Found
Release Date: June 13, 2014
Number of Pickaxes: 12 - 14
Minimum Amount of Time to Uncover Items in the Canyon: 34:00:00
Quest Structures Uncovered and Built:
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Structures, Trees, and Collectables Needed (in order of appearance):
What the Colors Mean:
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QUEST: Mine Own Dino[]

Ruby Mae: Thank you for coming, friend! I need your aid with a most important matter on the ranch.

I hear distress calls coming from the canyon!

Search the Canyon for a creature.

Tap the Canyon to Explore.

# of Pickaxes to find Item for this Quest: 3
Help the creature!

Tap the creature to rescue.

Amount of Time to Complete Quest: 04:00:00
Ruby Mae: Oh this poor cutie pie! I'm glad we rescued him as soon as we did. I don't know how much longer he would have lasted.
“Ruby has a kind heart.”
REWARD Silver med: 100 Xp med: 25

QUEST: Safety First[]

Ruby Mae: I think this little sweetheart will make a fine addition to our ranch. I haven't thought of a purpose for him yet, but we may as well set up his pen.
Search the Canyon for a fence.

Tap the Canyon to Explore.

# of Pickaxes to find Item for this Quest: 3
Gather the fence.

Tap the Fence Post to Collect. (1x)

Amount of Time to Complete Quest: 04:00:00
Ruby Mae: All creatures are safe on my ranch. I'll not start endangering one now. This fence is as much for them as it is for us!
“How considerate!”
REWARD Silver med: 100 Xp med: 25

QUEST: Para-what?[]

Ruby Mae: What kind of dinosaur do you reckon this is? A para-what? There's no way I'll remember that name!
Put the fence around the dinosaur.

Tap the Parasaurolophus to Upgrade

Amount of Time to Complete Quest: 02:00:00
Ruby Mae: That looks much safer than when he was runnin' free. How do I know it's a he? You don't want to know, dear.
“Ruby know's something we don't?”
REWARD Silver med: 100 Xp med: 25

QUEST: Hungry Girl[]

Ruby Mae: This poor dinosaur is still covered in dirt and grime. A good grooming is a priority for the health of anyone on my ranch!
Search the Canyon for grooming tools.

Tap the Canyon to Explore.

# of Pickaxes to find Item for this Quest: 3
Gather the grooming tools.

Tap the Horn Polisher to Collect. (1x)

Amount of Time to Complete Quest: 04:00:00
Ruby Mae: Excellent! With this tool I can clean off our new friend and make sure he doesn't get sick!
“It takes a good polisher to clean the dinosaurs rough skin!”
REWARD Silver med: 100 Xp med: 25

QUEST: There There[]

Ruby Mae: You comfort our friend here and I'll do all the grooming!
Comfort the dinosaur while Ruby grooms it.

Tap the Parasaurolophus to Upgrade.

Amount of Time to Complete Quest: 08:00:00
Ruby Mae: Nothing like a good grooming to pick up one's spirits!
“Do dinosaurs bathe?”
REWARD Silver med: 100 Xp med: 25

QUEST: Spiffy and Clean[]

Ruby Mae: I'm sure this dinosaur is hungry by now. It would behoove us to find some more of those special leaves.
Search the Canyon for the special leaves.

Tap the Canyon to Explore.

# of Pickaxes to find Item for this Quest: 2
Gather the special leaves.

Tap the Bushel of Leaves to Collect. (1x)

Amount of Time to Complete Quest: 04:00:00
Ruby Mae: I do hope he enjoys these leaves! I'm not sure how many options we have around here.
“I hope he's not hungry enough to read a horse!”
REWARD Silver med: 100 Xp med: 25

QUEST: Room to Groom[]

Ruby Mae: Just toss the barrel over the fence and see if he'll take to them!
Feed the dinosaur.

Tap the Parasaurolophus to Upgrade.

Amount of Time to Complete Quest: 02:00:00
Ruby Mae: He does seem to enjoy them! I'm darn glad he is. I don't think our canyon could support another meat eater!
“How do we support all these leaf eaters?!”
REWARD Silver med: 100 Xp med: 25

QUEST: Saddle Up, pup![]

Ruby Mae: I reckon we ought to teach our dinosaur friend to take a saddle! This way we can use him on some ranch work!
Search downriver for a dinosaur saddle!

Tap the River Raft to Explore.

# of Pickaxes to find Item for this Quest: 1 - 3
Gather the missing saddle!

Tap the Dino Saddle to Collect. (1x)

Ruby Mae: Everyone has to pull their own weight in my canyon!
“Ruby sure is a hard task driver.”
REWARD Silver med: 100 Xp med: 25

QUEST: Home Sweet Home[]

Ruby Mae: Good thing we already brushed our friend down. We can now jest throw the saddle over his back.
Saddle up the dinosaur!

Tap the Parasaurolophus to Finish.

Amount of Time to Complete Quest: 06:00:00
Ruby Mae: Doesn't he look handsome in his new saddle! I think he knows we intend to ride him.
“But who goes first?”
REWARD Silver med: 100 Xp med: 25

QUEST: Checking In[]

Ruby Mae: Have you ever broken a stallion? I reckon this should be just the same. Don't be afraid, pard. Jest don't bite off your tongue!
Be the first to ride the dinosaur!

Tap the Parasaurolophus to Harvest. (1x)

Ruby Mae: See! That wasn't so fast! I don't think this thing is as fast as our horses though
“But 1 dinosaur power has to be higher than 1 horsepower! Right?”
REWARD Silver med: 100 Xp med: 25

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