Westbound Wiki

Ruby's Flower-to-be


Our Journey Begins
Release Date: August 1, 2014
Number of Pickaxes: 13 - 15
Gold to Buy the House: 50 (Please see How To Play an LE Without Spending Gold)
Minimum Amount of Time to Uncover Items in the Canyon: 16:15:00
Quest Structures Uncovered and Built:
Epic Flower
Catalogue Items Purchased, Built, or Planted (in order of appearance):
PumpkinDesert Condo
Structures, Trees, and Collectables Needed (in order of appearance):
Clapboard Shack, Ranch Well
What the Colors Mean:
Quest Dialog Old Mine Instructions Quest Instructions Quest Completion Dialog and Reward
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QUEST: Endeavor To Aid Her[]

Ruby Mae: My green thumb is getting to itching again! Care to join me in another horticultural endeavor?
Get some Pumpkins!

Order Pumpkins from the Catalogue under Crops. (1x)

2 (Optional) # of Gold Bars to Skip this Quest to skip
Ruby Mae: Ah, pumpkins are not nearly exciting enough! Would you help me nurture an epic flower, friend?
“Why were the two pumpkins close? They had deep roots!”
REWARD Silver med: 100 Xp med: 25

QUEST: Location Notion[]

Ruby Mae: Flowers are beautiful companions! Let's look for a successful location for the epic flower!
Find the perfect area for the new flower.

Tap the Canyon to Explore.

# of Pickaxes to find Item for this Quest: 3
Clear the debris.

Tap the area to Clear.

Amount of Time to Complete Quest: 00:15:00
Ruby Mae: Location is everything, friend. No flower can flourish without sun, proper soil, and the right amount of shade!
“The psychotic florist created many flower derangements.”
REWARD Silver med: 100 Xp med: 25

QUEST: Bouquet Decay[]

Ruby Mae: Perhaps if we nurture this flower carefully we can use its blossoms for bouquets!

Land sakes, it's been an age since I've recieved one!

Search the Old Mine for a seed.

Tap the Old Mine to Explore.

# of Pickaxes to find Item for this Quest: 1 - 3
Gather the epic seed.

Tap the Epic Seed to Collect.

Ruby Mae: The men back East sure did know how to treat a lady. Mister Carson could learn a thing or two!
“Ruby's flower business is blossoming quite nicely.”
REWARD Silver med: 100 Xp med: 25

QUEST: Ultimate Climate[]

Ruby Mae: I reckon it's high time we started nurturing this beautiful flower-to-be, don't you agree?
Start nurturing the Epic Flower.

Tap the Epic Flower to Build.

Amount of Time to Complete Quest: 01:00:00
Ruby Mae: Oh, marvelous! It appears that this little blossom simply loves the climate here!
“Seems this flower is lavender weather here!”
REWARD Silver med: 100 Xp med: 25

QUEST: A Lady's Plea[]

Ruby Mae: I think we must consult an expert!

Mister Goldtooth knows more about these parts than anyone, and I reckon I could use some growing advice!

Visit Gus!

Tap Gus' Clapboard Shack to Harvest. (1x)

2 (Optional) # of Gold Bars to Skip this Quest to skip
Gus Goldtooth: I s'pose I could lend a hand to you whippersnappers.

Flowers ain't nothin' to get yer dander up about, but Ruby's a right nice lady.

“What in carnation does she need help with?!”
REWARD Silver med: 100 Xp med: 25

QUEST: Aimless Business[]

Gus Goldtooth: Dash it all, how could Ruby've forgotten water? Cain't nothin' grow in this desert if it ain't got a drink!
Search the Canyon for nutrient water.

Tap the Canyon to Explore.

# of Pickaxes to find Item for this Quest: 3
Gather the nutrient water.

Tap the Nutrient Water to Collect.

Amount of Time to Complete Quest: 02:00:00
Gus Goldtooth: This'll take the starch outta her ideas 'bout bein' the best gardener 'round these parts. Not that it's none of my business.
“Where did the first florist live? The Garden of Weedin'!”
REWARD Silver med: 100 Xp med: 25

QUEST: Angrier Superior[]

Gus Goldtooth: Drink up, little whippersnapper! Ruby cain't feed ya like I kin, now can she?
Keep nurturing the Epic Flower.

Tap the Epic Flower to Build.

Amount of Time to Complete Quest: 02:00:00
Gus Goldtooth: Ain't nobody know this 'ere desert like old Gus Goldtooth.

I know this canyon like the wrong side of my hand! Ain't nothing kin grow here 't I ain't done afore.

“New gardeners learn by trowel and error.”
REWARD Silver med: 100 Xp med: 25

QUEST: Potent Nutrient[]

Gus Goldtooth: Let's go scare up somethin' smelly 'n rank to fertilize this purty flower here!
Search the Canyon for fertilizer!

Tap the Canyon to Explore.

# of Pickaxes to find Item for this Quest: 3
Gather fertilizer.

Tap Fertilizer to Collect.

Amount of Time to Complete Quest: 02:00:00
Gus Goldtooth: Ain't nothing fits a flower like some fertilizer, by vum!

Jest like a glove fits a hand right snug, this'll make that flower real happy.

“Old planters never die, they just go to seed.”
REWARD Silver med: 100 Xp med: 25

QUEST: Smell From Hell[]

Ruby Mae: Goodness gracious what IS that stench around my flower?! Quick, it's time we be smelling the scent of a beautiful flower!
Get some water from the Ranch Well!

Tap the Ranch Well to Harvest. (1x)

2 (Optional) # of Gold Bars to Skip this Quest to skip
Ruby Mae: Whew, thank goodness our water is so fragrant! Whatever Mister Goldtooth did to my flower is NOT helpful!
“What do flowers wear to keep warm? Stalk-ings!”
REWARD Silver med: 100 Xp med: 25

QUEST: Music Antic[]

Ruby Mae: Gus thinks smelly things will make the flower grow, but I know better!

Flowers have feelings too, and this one would love a pretty song, I'm sure!

Continue nurturing the Epic Flower.

Tap the Epic Flower to Build.

Amount of Time to Complete Quest: 03:00:00
Ruby Mae: Yes, I always had a suspicion that aria from Madame Butterfly would come in handy! My flower adored my rendition!
“Being a soprano is a great opera-tunity!”
REWARD Silver med: 100 Xp med: 25

QUEST: I'd Move Aside[]

Gus Goldtooth: Hmph! Ain't no flower gonna get sun from a dang song!

Someon's gotta be practical 'round 'ere, or this whole town is gonna go to seed.

Search the Canyon for sun rock.

Tap the Canyon to Explore.

# of Pickaxes to find Item for this Quest: 2
Gather the sun rock.

Tap Sun Rock to Collect.

Amount of Time to Complete Quest: 02:00:00
Gus Goldtooth: Shucks, 't looks like I've been shunted aside like an ole sack of potatoes 'er somethin'.
“Why are potatoes detectives? Because they keep their eyes peeled!”
REWARD Silver med: 100 Xp med: 25

QUEST: Peevish Finish[]

Ruby Mae: Oh, Gus! Would you be so kind as to help finish my flower? I must attend to something!
Finish the Epic Flower.

Tap the Epic Flower to Finish.

Amount of Time to Complete Quest: 04:00:00
Gus Goldtooth: Jest leavin' me aside to do the dirty work. Typical lady, that 'un is.

Ain't got no cause to think of nobody 'cepting herself, of coruse.

“What did the big flower say to the little one? What's up, bud!”
REWARD Silver med: 100 Xp med: 25

QUEST: Wise Surprise[]

Ruby Mae: Psst! Gus is of a mind that I'm just plain rude, but I've been planning a surprise! Come help!
Get a Desert Condo.

Order Desert Condo from the Catalogue under Houses. (1x)

2 (Optional) # of Gold Bars to Skip this Quest to skip
Gus Goldtooth: What in the blazes have you been up to, Missy? How'd ya know I'd always had a hankerin' fer a desert condo?

No wonder you was tryna distract me!

“If Ruby were a knight, she'd be named Surprise!”
REWARD Silver med: 100 Xp med: 25

QUEST: Inadequate Habit[]

Ruby Mae: Now that we have sorted that all out, I reckon we can go take a look at our beautiful new flower!
Harvest the Epic Flower.

Tap the Epic Flower to Harvest.

2 (Optional) # of Gold Bars to Skip this Quest to skip
Ruby Mae: Silly Gus, I sure did surprise him, didn't I, friend?

That certainly wasn't very nice of him to say that I am an inadequate gardener, however...

“Gardening is a sport. Hoe for it!”
REWARD Silver med: 100 Xp med: 25

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