Westbound Wiki


Our Journey Begins
Release Date: June 17, 2014
Number of Pickaxes: 14 - 16
Gold to Buy the House: 100 (Please see How To Play an LE Without Spending Gold)
Minimum Amount of Time to Uncover Items in the Canyon: 16:15:00
Quest Structures Uncovered and Built:
Bison Herd
Catalogue Items Purchased, Built, or Planted (in order of appearance):
PumpkinMustache House
Structures, Trees, and Collectables Needed (in order of appearance):
Wagon Tent, Hideout
What the Colors Mean:
Quest Dialog Old Mine Dialog Quest Instructions Quest Completion Dialog and Reward
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QUEST: Gourd Record[]

Ruby Mae: Do you hear that friend? There's some sort of thunder off in the distance. Let's grow a pumpkin and listen into it.
Grow a Pumpkin for Ruby to hear.

Order Pumpkin from the Catalogue under Crops. (1x)

2 (Optional) # of Gold Bars to Skip this Quest to skip
Ruby Mae: You see friend, my pa taught me this trick... You jest place the pumpkin on the ground and listen into it.

I reckon the hollow space ampliphies the sound.

“What do you call a funny gourd? A punkin!”
REWARD Silver med: 100 Xp med: 25

QUEST: Danger Manger[]

Ruby Mae: That's a buffalo stampede alright. I wonder why they are coming our way. I jest hope the river can stop them.

Whatever they are looking for, It would behoove us to find it first!

Search the Canyon for what the bison want.

Tap the Canyon to Explore.

# of Pickaxes to find Item for this Quest: 3
Help the poor buffalo calf.

Tap the area to Clear.

Amount of Time to Complete Quest: 00:15:00
Ruby Mae: Lands sake! They are coming to help this poor calf. Maybe if we help it first the stampede will stop before it gets here.
“What do you call a single buffalo? Buffalonely.”
REWARD Silver med: 100 Xp med: 25

QUEST: Grass Amass[]

Ruby Mae: After being trapped from the landslide for so long, this little guys is probably very hungry.
Search for grass seeds.

Tap the Canyon to Explore.

# of Pickaxes to find Item for this Quest: 3
Gather the grass seeds.

Tap the Buffalo Grass Seeds to Collect.

Amount of Time to Complete Quest: 02:00:00
Ruby Mae: With these seeds we can sow enough grass for the entire herd. It would be nice to have some company around here.
“Does Ruby think several hundred buffalo qualifies as 'company?'”
REWARD Silver med: 100 Xp med: 25

QUEST: Heard the Herd[]

Ruby Mae: Lets sow the seeds and erect a corral. The last thing we need is this calf to get into more trouble!
Sow the seeds and erect a corral for the calf!

Tap the Bison Herd to Build.

Amount of Time to Complete Quest: 01:00:00
Ruby Mae: For all that trauma, he seems to be a happy little feller! I sure am glad he's feeling. Fair to the middlin.
“What animal is always the designated driver? The water buffalo.”
REWARD Silver med: 100 Xp med: 25

QUEST: No Sudden Moves[]

Ruby Mae: You hear that pard? There must still be a stampede coming. I wonder why they haven't stopped.

I reckon we should get another opinion on the matter.

Get another opinion on the matter.

Tap the Wagon Tent to Harvest. (1x)

2 (Optional) # of Gold Bars to Skip this Quest to skip
Carson: Well ma'am. If the young 'un is happy now, I reckon there must be more sitting around trapped from the landslide.
“How disastrous!”
REWARD Silver med: 100 Xp med: 25

QUEST: Lost Calf Behalf[]

Ruby Mae: Carson is right! There has to be more trapped buffalo around here. We should get to looking!
Search the Canyon for distressed buffalo!

Tap the Canyon to Explore.

# of Pickaxes to find Item for this Quest: 3
Help the distressed buffalo.

Tap the Bison 1 to collect.

Amount of Time to Complete Quest: 02:00:00
Ruby Mae: Good work, friend! Now we surely have stopped the stampede.
“What does a buffalo call 200 years? Bisontennial.”
REWARD Silver med: 100 Xp med: 25

QUEST: Bison Try Some[]

Ruby Mae: Let's put this poor creature in the corral with his friend.
Wrangle the bison in the corral.

Tap the Bison Herd to Build.

Amount of Time to Complete Quest: 02:00:00
Ruby Mae: They seem to be getting along, thank goodness! I still hear the stampede coming. This worries me.
“A case of disappearing bison had the sheriff completely buffaloed.”
REWARD Silver med: 100 Xp med: 25

QUEST: Recover Another[]

Ruby Mae: There must be more buffalo in distress! Quickly, we absolutely must rescue them all before our town is overrun!
Search the Canyon for distressed buffalo!

Tap the Canyon to Explore.

# of Pickaxes to find Item for this Quest: 3
Help the distressed buffalo.

Tap the Bison 2 to Collect.

Amount of Time to Complete Quest: 02:00:00
Ruby Mae: Capital! That's another one saved. I don't understand why the stampede is still coming, though.
“What did mama buffalo say when her youngest went off to college? Bison!”
REWARD Silver med: 100 Xp med: 25

QUEST: Some Sudden Moves[]

Ruby Mae: We should ask Gus what to do if a stampede is coming. It's best to be prepared.
Ask Gus about safety precautions!

Tap the Hideout to Harvest. (1x)

2 (Optional) # of Gold Bars to Skip this Quest to skip
Gus Goldtooth: Peaches and Cinnamon! A stampede!? You really think so? My reccomendation is...

We run for the hills!

“Very helpful, Gus.”
REWARD Silver med: 100 Xp med: 25

QUEST: Might Reunite[]

Ruby Mae: Let's put the next rescued calf into the corral and see if we can find anymore. I doubt there could be too many more.
Wrangle the bison in the corral.

Tap the Bison Herd to Build.

Amount of Time to Complete Quest: 03:00:00
Ruby Mae: Look how happy they are to be reunited! How cany any herd be mad at us after this?
“What time is it when a buffalo sits in your canoe? Time to get a new canoe!”
REWARD Silver med: 100 Xp med: 25

QUEST: Defrosted and Exhausted[]

Ruby Mae: I hear one last distress call coming from the Old Mine! That's where the last one was hiding!
Search the Old Mine for distressed buffalo!

Tap the Old Mine to Explore.

Help the distressed buffalo.

Tap the Bison 3 to Collect.

Ruby Mae: Whew! If we can get this one calmed in time, we may just be able to abate disaster!
“Why are we still talkin'? Vamoose!”
REWARD Silver med: 100 Xp med: 25

QUEST: Full House[]

Ruby Mae: Here here, darling! There are all your friends! Just follow me and you'll all be reuinited!
Wrangle the bison in the corral.

Tap the Bison Herd to Finish.

Amount of Time to Complete Quest: 04:00:00
Ruby Mae: Don't they all look so happy! And do you hear that? Me either!

The beautiful sound of silence! We did it, friend.

“What's brown and turns red? An embarrased buffalo!”
REWARD Silver med: 100 Xp med: 25

QUEST: Iconic Whiskers[]

Ruby Mae: This calls for a celebration! I've had an idea for a novelty house for sometime now....
Help Ruby on her novelty mustache house!

Order Mustache House from the Catalogue under Houses. (1x)

2 (Optional) # of Gold Bars to Skip this Quest to skip
Ruby Mae: Everytime I look at it it gives me a good tickle! How could you not laugh at that!
“Some people in the desert still have dry humor.”
REWARD Silver med: 100 Xp med: 25

QUEST: Checking In[]

Ruby Mae: We should go check on our new friends. I think they maybe the founders of a whole new herd!
Check on the bison!

Tap the Bison Herd to Harvest.

Ruby Mae: They seem to have settled in quite well. I think we'll be able to set them free to roam soon enough.
“Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.”
REWARD Silver med: 100 Xp med: 25

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